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[Closed] Seoul >> Jindo Miracle Sea Road Festival Transfer

Apr 26 & 29 only. Once a year at Jindo Island in Jeollanam-do, the sea mysteriously parts and visitors can walk through the sea from the main island to a smaller nearby island. Book a one-way transfer from Seoul to Jindo Miracle Sea Road Festival.

402 Km
6 時間
総距離 402 Km
総合計時間 6 時間

Seoul, South Korea


Seoul, South Korea
( 서울특별시 )

5.5 - 6 時間

Geumgye-ri, Gogun-myeon, Jindo-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea


Geumgye-ri, Gogun-myeon, Jindo-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea
( 전라남도 진도군 고군면 금계리 )



-予想走行時間は非渋滞時が基準です-参考程度にご留意ください- Indiwayまたはドライバーは実際の走行時間について責任は一切負いかねますのでご留意ください


- 参考程度にご留意ください。


* 最終的な金額は合流地、日付及び時刻によって変更になります。また移動手段関連の費用(ドライバー、燃料、通行料金、チップ)は含みますが、チケット価格そのものは含まれません。

4-seater Taxi

4 2
US$ 433.80

7-seater Van

6 8
US$ 437.88

10-seater Van

8 2
US$ 437.88

13-seater Benz Bus

17 5
US$ 678.28

13-seater Bus

13 13
US$ 488.96

17-seater premium bus

17 0
US$ 550.93

24-seater Bus

24 9
US$ 614.94

44-seater Coach

44 60
US$ 533.90
This is a sample course other users have tried out! Feel free to customize your own course during the booking process :) Close